Backup of critical infrastructure - guide

Using LiFePO4 battery and Solar in Caravans and RV - brochure by GWL



Introduction - Why have a backup power

Is critical infrastructure protected in the event of a power outage? It may come as a surprise – but it isn’t. At least it usually isn’t. Before the Corona pandemic, many of us assumed that the security state departments are prepared for such events. That the persons in charge will pull out ready-made plans out of their desks in a matter of hours, that the police, fire department and the army will immediately begin distributing millions of face masks

Why have a backup power

Family homes and larger households

Family Homes and Larger Households

Are you operating a critically vital electrical device in your home? You probably are but “don’t know” about it. There’s a reason why they say one doesn’t realize the importance of something until that something is lost. Most of us have a refrigerator and freezer at home – running on electricity of course. Someone has a well or a borehole and needs to pump the water into the home mains using.

Backing up Small and Medium-Size Companies

Do you operate an agricultural or food production plant or a gas station? Then you’re on the front line. Backup is a must and no one will take care of it for you. Businesses in not so vital areas (logistics, ecommerce, small-scale production, services) should also pay attention to their own blackout scenario. Buying a gasoline powered generator is a seemingly satisfactory solution. However, today’s gasoline mixed with ethanol cannot.

Backing up Small and Medium-Size Companies

Backing up Critical Municipal Infrastructure

Backing up Critical Municipal Infrastructure

Will a Blackout Stop the Water Supply and Wastewater TreatmentPlants (WWTP)? Every mayor of every community should have a plan in place as to what critical infrastructure will be backed up in the event of a long-term electrical power outage.

Example 1: Backing up the Wastewater Treatment Plant

To backup the local WWTP in the event of a blackout for at least 24 hours. Maximum power input of the WWTP is 4.2kW but thanks to the combination of five three-phase motors with the potential for a simultaneous start, the system needs to be able to manage a starting current of over 70A. Further, the investor requires that the WWTP roof measuring 12 x 6 meters be used to maximum capacity for solar panels.

Backing up 
the Wastewater Treatment Plant

Server Backup at a Company

Example 2: Server Backup at a Company

The investor asked for a system to backup a standard 19“ IT switchboard (containing 1 server, a disk field, 2 switches and a network router) with a power input of 500W. The backup source needed to provide charging for a period of 8 hours, it had to be fully autonomous, require no maintenance and have remote monitoring while also communicating with servers to ensure they are shut off safely if the batteries are discharged.

Looking to buy new battery or solar equipment for your home, office or facility electricity backup? Let us know your questions.

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