
FAQ: What is the maximal limit for the device operation? 

FAQ: What is the maximal limit for the device operation? 

14.Dec 2014
| Blog


FAQ: What is the maximal limit for the device operation? 

We often receive questions asking about the maximal limits for certain products and whether it is possible to push the limit.  For example: the some types of MPPT regulators have maximal input of 150V given as a specification, customers offen ask if they can push the limit to little more than 150V, or how exactly the 150V is 150V. 

We do not recommend going beyond the limits, we even do not recommend trying the limit. We strongly suggest to keep bellow the limit and do not try to risk to test the limit. For some applications it may be best to keep some 3% to 5% safe margins for the regular operation without risks of reaching the limit.

When driving, the saying says: Keep a safe distance and space from the limits to go on easy. Some truck drivers forget the limits and bring about the problems resulting in dangerous accidents.The second photo shows the truck that got stuck under the bridge where it touched the 600V DC from the tram power wire and the cargo burnt.

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